Hylsetrimmer Rapid 1500 - (Trimmedie passer både 1200/1500 selges utenom)

Artikkelnr.: 62164

Ny og sterkere type

PrisNOK6 819,00 inkl. mva.


For trimming av hylselengden. Leveres kun i 110V. Har omformer til ca kr 399.-

Makes short work out of trimming large quantities of rifle brass. 
The RT 1500B is used just like a standard size die. The big difference is that while you are pushing the case into the die to size it, a 1/4 horsepower electric motor driving a carbide cutter is trimming the case to length. Chips are drawn off through a vacuum manifold that clamps to the outside of the special size/trim die. (Vacuum cleaner and hose not included.) Outside diameter of manifold as 1.250" 
The RT1500B is equipped with a quick-disconnect power cord; and it can be used on any standard reloader, single stage or progressive.